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Published 06/30/2021

Update on my wife


Next Phase of Treatment

Kimberlyn met with the radiation team this week to discuss whether or not radiation would be a good fit for her at this time. She was told that because her body had responded so well to the chemo over the past year and a half, that they think they can do 6 weeks of radiation, then be able to completely remove the primary tumor in her colon without the need for a colostomy. She is feeling more positive than she has since all of this started. If the radiation goes well and they're able to remove this tumor, then she only has the one tumor in her lung to deal with. This tumor is very small and has continued to shrink over the past 6 months.

Her Blog

If you want to follow along with her progress, I share more at

Thanks again for your thoughts, messages, prayers, and gifts. The Laravel community has been very good to us.